The State of New York recently closed its CAURD application round on September 26, 2022.. The Conditional Adult-Use Retail Dispensaries (CAURD) round was designed for “justice involved” individuals. The state coined the term “justice involved” to describe individuals who have been convicted of a cannabis-related offense (or, “marihuana-related” offense, per the Office of Cannabis Management), in New York State prior to March 31, 2021. This can also include someone whose parent, spouse, child, legal guardian, or dependent has been convicted of a cannabis-related offense in New York State, prior to March 31, 2021.
For applicants who qualified, the State opened a small window of time for these individuals to submit set-aside, shortened applications, prioritizing them over all other applicants in the State. Setting aside the Constitutional issues that could arise, the State is now gearing up to open its standard adult-use application round.
If you missed or did not qualify for the CAURD round, consider some of the options you have in the upcoming licensing round:
- What license type(s) can you pursue? Check out our blog for a comprehensive look at the various license types available.
- Consider how you can get your application to the top of the pile with New York’s priority-grading options.
- Learn what it takes to make a competitive application.
Although the State has not released the date on which the licensing round will open, you should start NOW. Licensing application rounds move fast and the best thing to do is get ahead of the game by preparing now. There are many ways to prepare your application ahead of time, before a licensing round begins. Trust us, your competition has started in this State years ago, lobbying, searching for real estate, and preparing their team. Let us help you get in the game and get to the top of the application pile with our competitive licensing program.